
Letters to the Editor: June 30, 2023

Historical wonders

I want to thank you for publishing two excellent stories in last week’s paper featuring historic buildings in McMinnville.

The story about the Mack Theater and Yamhill Hotel was very enlightening. It gave us a glimpse of what to expect in the next few years.

It’s wonderful to see local building owners restoring and repurposing our historic treasures in a responsible way.

Then I turned the page, and my heart went pitty-pat when I saw the story about children at St. James School learning about the historic buildings on Third Street and making models of their favorites. Hats off to teacher Donna Carlisle for instilling in them an appreciation of our history and involving the students not only in the stories, but also in hands-on art projects.

Thanks also to Starla Pointer for doing such a great job of enlightening us — your readers — about the back stories of buildings we see every day on our lovely main street.

Phyllice Bradner



Just say no

This letter is written to alert citizens to protect our nation, rights and freedoms from a new attack — an accord being drafted by the World Health Organization, aimed at establishing global standards for response to any future pandemic.

It was launched in December 2021, with a target date for completion in May 2024. It would affect all signatories among the 194 members of the United Nations.

In late May, a press conference was held outside Capitol Hill calling for withdrawal of the U.S. from this endeavor, which is being promoted most strongly by the European Common Market. The restrictions, mandates and so forth we endured during COVID are just a sample of what we could expect if we let ourselves be governed by this treaty.

Don’t believe it? Do the research for yourselves.

A House Joint Resolution has been proposed to end U.S. involvement. Call your congressional representative to request a yes vote.

Mary Novak



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