
Letters to the Editor: Aug. 4, 2023

Who and why?

In response to Matt Smith’s recent actions as the chair of the Chehalem Park and Recreation Board, my questions are: Who is being served by your actions? And, why?

There is well-established data proving that humans benefit from nature. It can lower blood pressure, slow breathing and foster awe-inspiring moments.

It’s often recommended by doctors, or even prescribed, to help curb the blues. It’s a natural remedy for mental health.

Outdoor recreation, being in nature while actively moving your body, has equally extensive benefit.

Bodies are machines that operate best when all parts are utilized. They are meant to move.

Sounds nice, yes?

Community is the glue that holds society together.

Huge amounts of data prove the benefits of human interaction and the power of belonging. Whether actively engaged at a park for a picnic, gathering, concert or simply a quiet moment surrounded by others, a sense of connection is vital.

Sounds inviting, yes?

Post-pandemic, the lessons are clear: Parks reinforce the importance of all three of these elements — access to nature, opportunities for physical activity and a place to find community.

The pandemic led to greater levels of mental health concerns, negatively affected our physical health and deepened our social isolation. Parks represent a cure for us to repair ourselves after a huge challenge.

Sounds inspiring, yes?

Why then, is Matt Smith so fearful of a small footbridge inside an already existing park? Who is he serving. And why?

Smith is clearly not serving this community. He is serving a small minority of people who clearly do not have your best interests in mind.

Why? Heaven knows.

But it sounds dreadful, yes?

If you want a place to stretch and rest your body and a community gathering spot, it’s time to demand better representation on the Chehalem Park & Recreation Board.

Liesl Forve



A global crisis

McMinnville Soroptimists are joining Yamhill County Peace & Justice to co-sponsor a very important documentary at 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 13.

“Sound of Freedom,” highlighting the global crisis of human trafficking, will be shown in the Great Room at McMinnville Cooperative Ministries, 544 N.E. Second St.

The film has recently been in local theaters, but this is a fundraiser to help raise awareness about an horrific ongoing tragedy. It’s our hope the community will support us by paying it forward and purchasing tickets.

Some people have viewed the film in a negative way, but this is a true story. The tragedy it reveals is both factual and authentic.

Angel Studios acknowledges that in places, it took “creative liberties to depict the different methods of child trafficking.” But it’s my hope we can look above and beyond fictionalized segments to what is most important — the complexities of this crisis and how educating ourselves about its reality can help make a genuine difference to a child, to a family, to an entire community.

Let us all remember the importance of exploring reputable resources on the subject in order to make real, long-lasting and valuable change.

Liz Marlia-Stein



Aware in Yamhill

This letter is of utmost importance to each of us, including legislators. There are some citizens aware, but many are not.

We are about to lose our money, freedoms, rights, Constitution and nation. But there are three bills to stop this takeover.

The plan of the international bankers, along with the UN and World Economic Forum, etc., has for years been to slowly impinge on our sovereign nation’s means. For years, we have been allowing them more and more unconstitutionality, which they have gradually used to destroy our sovereignty.

The corporation called the Federal Reserve is in alliance with this Rothschild banking system, and is part of its plan to subject us to its control. Those of us who are aware are fighting to preserve the greatest gift given to us — our freedom.

HR1122, HR3712 and S887 are bills to stop this monetary takeover. We should, at the same time, also pass The American Sovereignty Act and the Immigration Accord.

Mary Novak





So I think I figured out what Mary did. She told Chat GPT to write a letter to the editor that is paranoid and uses multiple dog whistles, tropes and innuendo that shows her hatred of Jews. Goodness gracious she is something else.

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