By Steve Bagwell • Editorial Page Editor • 

Guest commentary needed for section

In addition to letters to the editor, limited to 300 words, we are on the lookout for guest commentary submissions of 500 to 750 words. Those allow the writer to take a broader view and cover more points.

We can, of course, normally only accommodate one a week. So while we strive to publish every letter, we have to be more selective about commentaries.
But if we can’t publish yours, we would be happy to let you condense it into letter form — and to let you try again in the future. That offer is open to non-subscribers as well as subscribers.

We are particularly interested in fresh topics or fresh takes on familiar topics. We are looking for material that will strike a chord with as many readers as possible.

If you have a high-resolution color photo capable of illustrating your piece, so much the better. That helps your odds of your contribution making the cut.
Either way, we need a color head shot we can run, along with a brief bio.

We recently published a plea for more letters, and you responded in epic proportion. Here’s hoping we can evoke a stream of commentary submissions as well.

Steve Bagwell

Editorial Page Editor


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