Investigating the Bible: What is the one sin that’s unforgivable?

A Sunday school teacher asked his class of 6-year-old boys if any of them knew the difference between a mistake and a sin. One his students volunteered this: “I think if I hit my sister, it’s a mistake. But if I kick the dog, it’s a sin.”


Letter to Readers: Introducing the N-R Press Club

I am pleased to announce the launch of the News-Register Press Club, a premium addition option to your newspaper subscription. I’ve enjoyed numerous back-and-forths with readers over the last couple ...

Kirby Neumann-Rea/News-Register## Third and Adams streets, next to First Federal Bank main branch, remnant of a 19th century insurance office.

Calendar of Quirk: Random at heart, and the obsolete, disused and repurposed landmarks around us

Calendar of Quirk, our weekly celebration of oddities around us, is a random thing at heart. That randomness is important in clarifying something about the “CQ”: More than one reader has wondered ...

Letter To Readers: N-R Press Club (almost) ready for launch

I am excited to announce the launch of the News-Register Press Club – almost. One of the discussions staff has had regarding the creation of a premium subscription service is to make sure to not ...

Stapilus: It may take legislative action to avert local park closures

If you take your dog for a walk from your home, walking some distance to a local park and then back, you’re engaging in recreation.

But does your recreation begin when you leave your house, en route to the park, or only after you actually get there? Or does it begin, at least in the eyes of the law, only when you reach some designated part of the park?

Bladine: Gentle waves of technology can turn into tsunami

American households with television sets: From 9 percent in 1950 to 86 percent in 1959 ( Number of fax machines: From 25,000 to 250,000 in the 1970s, with 500,000 installed in 1985 and ...

Kirby Neumann-Rea/News-Register##“The Old Fashioned Garage” is out of business but with its distinctive signs remains a landmark on Brockwood Avenue, as well as on Google Earth.

Calendar of Quirk: Sometimes quirk comes surrounded by yellow tape or blackberry vine

Sometimes quirk comes surrounded by yellow tape or blackberry vine Week three of Calendar of Quirk, a year-long weekly celebration of local oddities, starts with the first pairing of what will be a number ...

Kirby Neumann-Rea/News-Register##Vlad Tarashuk, left, Paolo Samchuk, and David Leonchik of Rapid Restore and Remodel, pull and scrape Monday to remove damaged 
carpeting, original to the 25-year-old school, from a Grandhaven classroom. Crews rolled up dozens of six-by-10-foot sections.

Letter to Readers: Line dancing class of one just fine

Sometimes a line of dancers starts with a solo. On a recent Saturday afternoon, line dancing teachers Patsy and Mark Johnson, from McMinnville, welcomed a new adherent to moves such as the Electric ...

Guest Commentary: He's not what he seems; it's time to turn the page

By PHIL FORVE Retired agribusiness executive My mother used to say, “Fool me once, the shame is on you. Fool me twice, the shame is on me!” She meant that I should trust people ...

Whatchamacolumn: Nostalgia can generate restorative power

Merriam-Webster defines “nostalgia” as “a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.” One thesaurus compares ...

Investigating the Bible: What about civil disobedience?

By DAVID CARSON PASTOR America has a history of disobedience. At the 1773 Boston Tea Party, rebels tossed a shipment of British tea into the ocean to protest government taxation without representation. ...

Bladine: A tale of two readers and new N-R e-editions

Some will embrace our “big change”; others will cancel their subscriptions. Some will accept one weekly printed issue and shun e-editions; others will begrudgingly join the world of digital ...

Sal Peralta and Tanya Tomkins: Newspaper plays key role in connecting our communities

A big part of what makes McMinnville such a wonderful place to live is the remarkable degree to which people here — and, indeed, in its neighboring Yamhill Valley communities — are connected in community to one another.


The Conversation: Kissinger's Chilean obsession enabled enduring dictatorship

By JORGE HEINE Of Boston University Noticing my nonappearance at the start of a black-tie dinner at the Johannesburg home of mining magnate Harry Oppenheimer, Africa’s richest man, the host ...

Kirby Neumann-Rea/News-Register##Just off Star Mill Way, a viewpoint with one of two switched signs resulting in turned-around perspective.

Back, and Forth: New 'Calendar of Quirk' coming in the new year

Consider the Quirk around us: The Bigfoot of Whiteson, “Fred’s Old Fashioned Garage” and City Park’s mixed-up historical signs. Starting with our e-edition of Jan. 3, we’ll ...

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